installscape problem for installation IC6 OnCentos5

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Hello a_wahba,
First of all, just "Kondor" is enough, no need to write the whole nickname .
Second, the warning you got is a clear sign that Cadence IC is installed correctly and it works. The issue you have is a small one:
- just install in the linux environment these font packs: xfont-100dpi and xfont-75dpi ( they may not be called like this or the name is slightly different but in principle, these font packs should solve the problem ).

- once you have done this check that virtuoso starts ok, with no error message, and that you can open the schematics and you can add components.

- the next step will be to install MMSIM, just like you installed Cadence IC, but not in the same folder as IC6 or whatever you named the directory where Cadence IC is installed. You sould have a main directory where there is another folder called IC6 or IC610 ( something like that ). You then make a new folder called MMSIM or whatever you like and add into the .cshrc or .bashrc file the PATH to the "tools/bin" and "tools/dfII/bin" , and if you want "tools/spectre/bin" ( I am not sure if the last path is in the MMSIM/tools folder but check.

Now you should start virtuoso and open ADE L, XL, GXL with no problem and that is it !!!

Good luck,

Hello kondor

I try to get these packages for Scientific Linux but I can't

I get these commands but they don't work with Scientific Linux

1. Update the package index:

# sudo apt-get update

2. Install xfonts-100dpi-transcoded deb package:

# sudo apt-get install xfonts-100dpi-transcoded

Hello a_wahba,
It doesn't work because it can't work , and I will tell you why: Scientific Linux is an RPM based distro, NOT a Debian based distro!!! "Sudo apt-get" is a command used only for debian based distros like: Debian, Ubuntu, and so on..... I have recommended you Scientific Linux because it is an RPM based distro, just like CentOS. I didn't recommended using Ubuntu or other Debian based distro because I couldn't activate Cadence IC on it. Others have done it, but following the same steps they have didn't worked for me so I dropped it.
Now, Scientific Linux ( as CentOS ) use the following package managers: RPM ( the very first, oldies but goodies ), and YUM (Yellowdog Update Manager). I recommend using YUM, it is very easy and intuitive. You can read more about command line reference for YUM in the MAN pages of the linux distro ( type in the console: "man yum" ). But you can do this when you like, now let's focus on installing those fonts .
The commands are the following (I will write as you would write as ROOT, in the you know, only ROOT has all the privileges and can perform software installation):

#yum install xfonts-75dpi
#yum install xfonts-100dpi

If you get an error that these packages don't exist, try to search for them, with this command (I have installed them a long time ago, last year, and their name may have changed):

#yum search xfonts

Of course, after each command press ENTER ( I don't think I have to remind you that ).

Good luck,

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