installation of GHOST window.

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sohail qureshi

Member level 3
Aug 12, 2011
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salam to all...

i wanna ask about GHOST window.... i m using window XP 2006, and it takes along time to install a window after being tomorrow i bought window ghost disc, but now i did't know about the istallation......?? any one who knows about it.... plz explain...? tnx in advance

Norton/Symantec makes the software, known as Norton Ghost.

official product link:
**broken link removed**

Basically, "ghosting," (otherwise known as "imaging") is a snapshot of
your system partition (usually c: ) into 1 single file. When you want to run
a restore, you run a backend boot menu and restore from that file.

It's really easy and you can restore your pc in about 15 min usually. The
only catch is, you can only ever use that image on the hardware it was
created from, or obviously it won't work properly because of drivers, etc.

The technique has been used for years, but usually on a corporate level.
This is how large companies push out so many new pc's in a short time,
by "ghosting" them. If they have 100 pc's with exactly same hardware,
they load 1 from scratch and then ghost it, creating all the others from
that same image file. Since all the hardware is the same, it will work
99% of the time (I've seen some not work and have to be redone).

This concept is the same for a personal pc as well.

An example of what you can do with it to save you some time when a
restore is needed:

1. install windows
2. load all your apps and fav programs that you always use
3. then do the ghost image
4. whenever windows acts up from heavey usage or just basic probs,
re-image to get it back to the way it was a lot faster than a full re-install.

It's very slick and saves you so much time. It takes me approx 6hrs to
finalize a fresh install - 15 min with Ghost.

plz explain the 3rd step (then do the ghost image) i do the ghost image...??tnx

just run like a will take snapshot of all that you have stored.

plz send me the downloaded link of norton ghost.............if u can............??? tnx

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