Inquiry about electric Circuit design!!!

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mahmoud ezzz

Newbie level 1
Mar 2, 2014
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Hi all,
i have an inquiry about designing an electronic prey trap,
my design is based on using DC batteries (i.e 6 volt , 500mAh), my question is what would be the circuitry to convert this DC voltage to higher voltage (DC or AC) that could act as electric shock for preys.

does using the famous DC to AC converter circuit (LM555d, Step up transformer , Diodes..) would be useful to achieve this project target?

Thanks all in advance

You may need to add a rectifier with a capacitor ( say for an example 400V, ~10uF ) at the output so that you will accumulate the charge which can burn the insect..

One more tip,
Mostly this kind of circuits can be done using a single transistor and few passives by taking a feedback from the secondary of the transformer itself. No need to keep a separate astable multivibrator in this case.
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First of all I reject to use such tricks to catch animals.

For the electronic part of the circuit, it is all up to the transformer.

Last communication about this matter.


We have seen that awful circuit many times. it has too many voltage losses to produce a high voltage.
1) The output swing of the 555 with the 6V supply is only 2V p-p.
2) The emitter-follower transistors reduce their output swing to less than 1V p-p.
3) The inductor reduces the output swing to almost nothing into the transformer.

You said the word, "prey". Do you electrocute then eat rats in your country?
Here in Canada I have never seen a rat. People have cats and dogs. Squirrels, rabbits and occasionally a racoon or deer are running around but we don't electrocute them.

So if he need to make it better to kill some animals instead of mosquito, I guess instead of BJT he should use some n-p power mosfet pair and remove the inductor, and he may need to connect low power p-n mosfet pair as gate driver, right?

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