Information on learning Spice

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i want to learn pspice

spice userguide.

Want to Learn Spice

There are lots of material on the internet,just search for it,u may learn some basic concept at first,and then go for more details

Re: Want to Learn Spice

basic examples on the web always help and from there its easy to figure out, also spice has help files that could help you when you get stuck.

Re: Want to Learn Spice

If you're quite new to spice then my advice is to get a trial version from Orcad
You can download it from here:
**broken link removed**
About 277MB in size, and you will find th user guide and manuals which explain step by step how to manage the most frequently used types of simulation profiles and how to draw schematics and edit them.

If you need any help with it, don't hesitate to ask me right away.

Ahmed M. Ragab


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