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Information about surface wave in quasi yagi antenna

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Sep 30, 2002
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Surface wave questions

Anyone have any refrences for the explaination of surface wave. WHat is the cauase of it. This strike me when I try to understand the operation of quasi yagi antenna. They siad that it utilize the surface wave. This mean that it use surface wave to induce the field at the director element instead of the radiation field? Any refecrence on the topic is appreciated.

Re: Surface wave questions

this is a topic dedicated to quasi-yagi antennas

**broken link removed**

Re: Surface wave questions

Yeah, that why i come with the question but i think the surafce is the suvject of it own. There is another use it it. Frequency selective surface.

Re: Surface wave questions

poles of integrand of scattering field causes surface wave and its stationary point causes reflection waves. surface wave is dominant part of EM at short wave radio broadcasting.
Several books have explained the concept of surface wave. For example you can see the ishimaru and Felsen and wait's book. Wait at one of his paper's at AP magazin historically explain the surface waves(1999). If you want I can upoload this for you.

Re: Surface wave questions

fasaghandis said:
poles of integrand of scattering field causes surface wave and its stationary point causes reflection waves. surface wave is dominant part of EM at short wave radio broadcasting.
Several books have explained the concept of surface wave. For example you can see the ishimaru and Felsen and wait's book. Wait at one of his paper's at AP magazin historically explain the surface waves(1999). If you want I can upoload this for you.


yes, please upload the paper you mentioned.
Many ppl are confused about other kinds of waves than TEM :)
If possible, we appreciate also some nice book from you..



Re: Surface wave questions

surface wave=wave guided by a surface (planar or curved boundary between two media).

With regard to the quasi yagi antennas, I don't think it use surface wave to induce the field at the director element. The relevant surface wave here might be the one guided by the earth surface....

Re: Surface wave questions

Hmm, i am a bit confused. What is surface wave? THe wave travel on the earth surface? I am interested in the surface wave that luanch from the discontinuity of a transmission line. LIke in the p@tch antenna, some waves leak as surface waves so it lower the efficiency of the p@tch antenna. I am more interested in that kind of surface wave than the earth wave :)

Re: Surface wave questions

now you ask about the patch antenna (not the yagi in the first or third post), and the guiding surface here is the interface between the dielectric and air. I think the "wave guided by surface" definition above shouldn't cause confusion. "This" surface wave and that "earth" surface wave are the same concept. But the surface wave in the patch antenna is harmful, the earth surface wave is helpful.

Theoretically for the patch antenna with (transversally) infinite substrate, there is at least one surface wave (no cutoff frequency). There are papers on 1) calculating the leakage due to surface wave; 2)proposing methods to suppress them. It is too long to cite the results here.

Re: Surface wave questions

Attachment find the wait's paper on surface wave
read and enjoy from it

Re: Surface wave questions

As I know, there is a research topic called "surface plasmon". Is there anything related to the surface wave you talked about?

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