Newbie level 1
long wirezig zag
Im wanting to build a long wire for 80-10 meters . What length does the wire have to be and does this measurment start at the tuner? I have plenty of non insutated wire , will it hurt to let the bare wire lay on tree limbs ? As long as I can ZIG ZAG the wire , length is not a proble. Email me at the address below....Thanks.... Call Sign...KB0NCS...AKA...Lyndle
Im wanting to build a long wire for 80-10 meters . What length does the wire have to be and does this measurment start at the tuner? I have plenty of non insutated wire , will it hurt to let the bare wire lay on tree limbs ? As long as I can ZIG ZAG the wire , length is not a proble. Email me at the address below....Thanks.... Call Sign...KB0NCS...AKA...Lyndle