Iam using the multihole coupler in my project to characterize the RF signal of 42GHz, 200kw propagating in TE03 mode. Actually I was given a circular multihole coupler consisting 3 slots and each slot consisting of 6 holes. In each slot the difference between the two adjacent holes were being same. But it changes slot by slot. In 3 slots the distance between adjacent holes were 10, 14, 18mm. Now i cant able to understand
1) Why different 3 slots have been used here.
2) Why the distance between two adjacent holes were varied for different slot.
3) How the distance between the two adjacent holes effect the mode of propagation
The simple pic showing one slot is shown in below pic
Like this three slots containing 6 holes each were made along the circumference of circular coupler.
So can u please help me by answering my questions...