So I wrote a VHDL program for an 8-bit D-type register with several of the bits asynchronously clear and preset-able. Nothing wrong with the code and it compiles. When looking at the RTL viewer in quartus it looks as it should, however the logic element usage is 24, but I'd imagine it shouldn't be any more than 12, 8 LE's for the registers, and 4 for the asynchronous logic used. So I look at the Technology Map Viewer, which i assume shows the circuit at the logic element level, and it looks as though its not using the actual preset inputs on the logic element registers. Instead every bit that can be asynchronously controlled has its output tied to some large combination logic circuit, presumably to create the preset-able latch function, though I didn't quite figure out the logic of it.
Is there something wrong with my code, or can cyclone 2 logic elements not implement a synchronous D-type flip flop with both asynchronous preset and clear inputs? Thanks to anyone who can help me solve this mystery.