Industrial temperature controller

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Advanced Member level 3
Aug 10, 2011
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Anyone having schematic for industrial temperature controller ?

can we make an industrial temperature controller using PIC?,
what things are to be considered in designing one ?

our temperature range is (0-100) and 0-8000)

Are these numbers temperatures? F or C? 8000 is quite warm in either. What is the application: Body (contact) fluid (immersion) spectrometer or infrared? E

Anyone having schematic for industrial temperature controller ?

can we make an industrial temperature controller using PIC?,
what things are to be considered in designing one ?

our temperature range is (0-100) and 0-8000)

In industry temperature sensors are usually thermocouples.

PIC can do the job very well.

Temp range 8000 ? What unit °C ? Do you plan to send sonde for measuring temp on Sun surface ? :smile:

**broken link removed**

Best regards,

Just to say, that circuit uses old DS1620 digital sensor. Its thermometer and thermostat IC which production is under question and some versions of that family is not recommended for new design. This IC can measure up to 125°C, but IC body can melt in direct contact with hot material.


I'm affraid that that sensor is not suited for industrial usage.

Best regards,

8000 degree for using in clay furnace..
unit in Celsius.

i can consider contactless IR too ...

after some more research i will be back,
peter sir, any input from you ?

I know for special camera system (pyrometer) which can measure up to 5000C, but for 8000C I'm not sure.

What you cooking on 8000C if not some NASA secret ?

Best regards,
Last edited:

8000 degree for using in clay furnace..
unit in Celsius.
Good joke. Most ceramic materials are vaporizing around 3000 °C. All ultra high temperature ceramics are melting below 4000 °C.
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Unlikely. A clay furnace uses about 1300 - 1400 °C peak temperatures.

Platinum–rhodium thermocouples are fine for it.

Ohh ok, may be a mistake from my technician, it will be as said by FVM, it will be 1400 degrees

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