I tried the dartron 'scope and my 100mhz phillips, both are similar.
I think the scope is triggering ok you can see the gate drive for the fet ok, and the off time for this is 20x the on so you cant see it unless the 'scope triggers.
What I dont get is why dont I get the charge current ramp on some inductors, its almost like on some inductors the switching of the mosfet is reversed, I get a ramp up after the fet is switched off as though the on/off has reversed.
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Thanks Fvm, you were along the right lines, intentionally or not.
For some odd reason my 'scope was triggering ok up to a certian current, above that the 'scope messed up.
The current sense resistor was in the + line, my supply was being pulled down at high current and the 'scope ground was conected to power supply +, so ground as far as the 'scope was concerned was all over the place.
I have moved the sense resistor to the ground leg of the inductor, one end of it is grounded, so now 'scope ground is power supply ground, and everything works fine.