Hai Guys:
Based on the suggested inductor layout technique as attached substrate noise shielding is desired, hence a 50um X 50um P+ diffusion contact is placed at various distance d from the centre of the inductor which serves as a noise sensor. Also a 25um P+ diffusion guard ring is used to observe the reduction of substrate noise when the guard ring is grounded. These facts are taken from a thesis. The questions are:
1.Is the P+ diffusion contact placed at various distance d from the centre of the inductor which serves as a noise sensor, grounded?. How does it serve as a noise sensor?. Based on the distance constraint I suppose there is only four P+ diffusion contact of 50um X 50um could be placed surrounding the inductor provided that it is square, kindly clarify this.
2.It is also shown that there is a peripheral guard ring, is this a double guard ring or a P+ diffusion guard ring?.
Hope you could help out in clarifying the arising issues. Thanks in advance