I might be wrong,
but soft start is seen on the plot as increasing peak current limit during first couple of cycles.
So it looks like to me as soft start is too "short".
Yes, the time is short. But usually one wants fast startup.
You can´t have all in one: fast startup, low inrush current, high ouptut capacitance....
First decide your
* start up time and your
* inrush current limit
Then decide if the IC can fulfill your requirement.
Yes it is true, but sentence above applies for applications using full 600mA output current and I need only 125mA.
Also datasheet recommends 20uF output capacitor.
For plots in first post I am using 10uF.
edit: Sorry I misinterpreted the your sentece....
(I can't find where you see that there is only 125mA saturation current needed for 600mA output current. This is impossible in my eyes.)
Now I know what you mean.
The start up current is almost independent of load current...because most of the energy is needed to charge the ouptut capacitor.
After the output capacitor is fully charged then the ripple current and peak current depends on load current.
You can´t ignore physics.
To charge the ouptut capacitor in a short time it needs high inductor current.
* The higher the capacitor value, the higher the current
* The shorter the time, the higher the current.