Apr 23, 2014 #1 N nvt088 Member level 4 Joined Dec 24, 2013 Messages 79 Helped 10 Reputation 20 Reaction score 10 Trophy points 8 Location Jupiter Activity points 509 I want to calculate inductance of helical coils in HFSS. I have two kinds of helical coils: Open end and short end as showed in the picture. In helical coils, we need to take into account stray capacitance. So Z= j(wL-1/(wC)). These coils are self-resonance, so having self-inductance and self-capacitance. So, we can not rely on formula: L=Im(Z(1,1))/(2*pi*Freq) Anyone can help me calculate L and C, separately, in HFSS? Many thanks
I want to calculate inductance of helical coils in HFSS. I have two kinds of helical coils: Open end and short end as showed in the picture. In helical coils, we need to take into account stray capacitance. So Z= j(wL-1/(wC)). These coils are self-resonance, so having self-inductance and self-capacitance. So, we can not rely on formula: L=Im(Z(1,1))/(2*pi*Freq) Anyone can help me calculate L and C, separately, in HFSS? Many thanks