hi there,
I have encountered the problem of matrix dimension, can anyone help? Here is the code
additional info: indexgood = 1
for j = 1:indexgood-1
errors = realerrors;
,j)] = lossfunctions(errors,V',num2str(j),',1,T+1,invT);']);
eval(['numpar(j) = size(param',num2str(j),',1);']);
eval(['aic(j) = (-2*logl(j) + 2*numpar(j))/T;']); % Formulas from eviews' maunual
eval(['bic(j) = (-2*logl(j) + numpar(j)*log(T))/T;']);
temp = [mse1
lossfun = [temp(5:3:11,
; temp(6:3:12,
; temp(7:3:13,
; temp(1:4,
temp2 = [numpar' persistence' aic' bic' logl'];
others = [temp2(5:3:11,
; temp2(6:3:12,
; temp2(7:3:13,
; temp2(1:4,
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in
lossfun = [temp(5:3:11,
; temp(6:3:12,
; temp(7:3:13,
; temp(1:4,
Thank you
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