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Incubator driver for Larys parrots

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Advanced Member level 4
Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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Main description
The main purpose of designing this device was to breed Larys parrots.
  1. trizone air conditioning
  2. programming light for many hours
This device is based on ATMega16 which controls a alphanumerical 4x16 LCD display, keyboard, monitors sensors and switches relays. The program is written in C and the board is made on a double-sided laminate. The device has a main supply with a integrated transformer. The power consumption doesn't exceed 10VA.
Temperature control
The temperature control is based on 3 Maxim/Dallas DS18b20 sensors. Because of short distances between sensors and the controller a 1-wire connection with parasitic power supply (power from data line) is used. The data from this sensors is 12 bit wide therefore it gives 0.01C resolution.
The microcontroller displays these 3 temperatures, checking on one time, whether the values are below raised thresholds. If the temperature exceeds the raised threshold plus the value of the hysteresis using a relay, the controller switches on or off the heater.
Moisture control
Syhitech SYH-2t4w sensor is used because of its temperature compensation (other moisture sensors have non-linear characteristics). This sensor requires AC power of 1Vrms and frequency 1kHz. Generating this kind of signal is based on a operational amplifier TL072.
Unlike the temperature control heater, the moisture control uses fans.
Irradiation control
The microcontroller allows to set two independent time intervals for each chamber. The algorithm compares the actual time to the time form the RTC.
Real time clock
Based on Maxim DS3231. Precision of 2ppm in 0-40 C working temperature. It's controlled by I²C interface.
Error Handling
The device can determine if there is an out of order sensor connected to it. If so the device shows an error on the LCD and switches on a tone signal. The signal can be canceled by using an option in the menu.
The device has an additional eeprom memory to store the configuration an restore it after the power is down.

Link to original thread - Sterownik inkubatora

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