In Ads 2022 software, optim parameter is not completely visible to edit.

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Junior Member level 1
Dec 15, 2022
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Optim paramaters are not completely visible on the screen to edit.

In its resting state a parameter that is set to be optimizable you do only see the nominal value and an indication of the optimizable style on screen:

However, if you want to use on-screen editing simply go ahead and click on the parameter value. As soon as it becomes selected it shows the entire value, with min/max etc., and it can then be edited:

Same applies to tuning, statistical and DOE styles.

I'm not sure what "not completely visible" means, but if you are looking for an overview of optimization variables this might be useful:

From Schematic toolbar, use Simulate > Simulation Variables Setup
and go to the Optimization tab.


  • edit_opt.png
    210 KB · Views: 106

'ok' button is not visible to save the edited parameters.
Not able to minimize the optim window.


Correct, you cannot resize the window. The only solution seems to be a higher screen resolution.

As a workaround until you have a larger monitor, you can use the Tab key to jump between screen element.
The <Ok> button is next after the <Advanced...> button.
So you can get there pressing <Tab> and then press <Return> to confirm even without seeing the Ok-Button.


Tab button is working in that window. It is pointing to ok button also. But the parameters are not updating. That click on ok button is not working.

You really need a bigger screen then. No problems with ADS 2022 here, using high screen resolution that displays the full dialog.

You could always flip the screen, temporarily at least, to portrait orientation instead of landscape orientation.

Easiest if you are using multiple or external monitors but it would also be possible with a single laptop screen but only if you have external mouse and keyboard in operation.
Ye sir, now in portrait mode. It is working fine.

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