I was trying to solve why my loopgain was much lower then expected, I designed a unique amplifier that basically is made of two parallel amplifiers of different topologies. I posted a question on here that gave me feedback correlating what I was expecting. After reading whitepapers on feed forward I agreed with the papers that I should expect an openloop gain of A + B. however my ac sims which sim loop gain were not summing when being simmed independent of eachother. I found that if i added buffers infront of the diff pairs they did add, I also found that my openloop gains in fact did add. So I believed there must be something affecting my Beta term, however the caps in the feedback network I was dealing with were in the order of 2 to 8 pF and so it was hard to believe I had such a large input cap that could overwhelm my closed loop beta. after various sims I concluded that one amplifiers input pair had an input impedance equal to about 200fF. which i expected, however my folded cascode which I also originally calculated to be around 300fF was simulating input impedance of 2pF. I had previous miscalculated the Ro when determining the miller affect of the gate cap of my input pair. It was actually much higher then I expected. And have discovered unintentionally that increasing the output impedance of the folded cascode(thereby increasing its gain) increases its gate capacitance(reducing loopgain) as a byproduct to the limit of rout being rds/2.