Member level 4
Trying to source a very large TCL file in UCLI, but the sourcing speed is very slow due to the file's significant size.
Is there a way to improve or workaround the speed?
ex) simv ... -ucli -do ./my_tcl ...
e.g) my.tcl
force aaa.111/Q 0 -deposit
force aaa.222/Q 0 -deposit
force aaa.333/Q 0 -deposit
Then all the lines are displayed line by line, it's a huge waste of time.
Is there a way to improve or workaround the speed?
ex) simv ... -ucli -do ./my_tcl ...
e.g) my.tcl
force aaa.111/Q 0 -deposit
force aaa.222/Q 0 -deposit
force aaa.333/Q 0 -deposit
Then all the lines are displayed line by line, it's a huge waste of time.