Not knowing the intermediate steps (and probably not having
much good idea about their details anyway), I'd suggest:
- Look at what the process is to bring across the library
device symbols - is it done at all, is the result in some odd
place just waiting to be hooked up, is it a separate action
to create the target library for Accel, is it doable at all?
- If this is all a bucket o' fail, then you may have to create
the library by hand (slog, slog).
- If the tool1-tool2 path is not clean, maybe there is another
tool that has better-greased paths in/out of the two endpoints
than either has for the other, directly.
- Is there perhaps an Accel library pre-existing, that only needs
you to enter / copy / modify instance properties (incl lib & name)
to get the circuit back? Like, "npn" might stand a good chance
of having consistent properties and maybe even pin-grid).