Importing of DXF file into allegro

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Junior Member level 2
Oct 29, 2010
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Hello Every body,

I am new to Allegro. I have DXF file of an amplifier. when importing it into allegro PCB XL, the dialog box asks about the layers name. what are those layers.
can i name with my layers that are defined in board or the Manufacturers one.?

if ithe layers are manufacturer defined,I dont have the layers name. Please help me to overcome this problem.

Thanks in advance.

you can import the desigen in any layer then you can route the top and bottom on the etch class >top or bottom

can u please elaborate the statement in particular format ..thanks a lot for your reply ....

Go to DXF import option
Browse the file u want to import
select edit/view layers tab
Map to the layer where u want to import
close the tab and click on import option...

Thanks siva mani,

I did all these. But after importing, it shows the outline with Package outlines and also the packages of capacitors are not to the actual size.

What to do

I think it is scaling issue.check the DXF units (mils or mm)based on that u select same unit while importing..

Actually the DXF units are in inches. I modified the units I am able to get the PCB but when I am tryaing to place my circuit components on the layout I found that the dimensions are not matching except the one.

For your understanding,

one of the capacitor in the circuit given in the datasheet is 0603. so I assigned 0603_RF_WV_d footprint, which is in Cadence library, to particular capacitor in my schematic.
but after importing the dxf the dimensions are quite different. so I am unable to place it.

How much the variation is? can I see the snapshot if possible.

Actually its confidential. but thanks for your kind attention about my posting.

come to the problem the 0603 pin which I measured in the DXF is 26X40 mils but according to standards its 39X40 mils. May be the designers may alter the dimensions according to them.

once again I am Thanking you for Valuable suggestions.

No Problem.I think the DXF represents actual component body size and I don't know how the assembly outline is represented in your footprint.
Thank you. I just start drawing a new Layout with reference to the actual one and with my designers input

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