I want to import multiple S2PMDIF files into ADS but can’t find any other way than doing them except one by one, which is not practical as I have hundreds of
I’ve tried using the ds_import command line tool but it only works for Citi, Touchstone and mdif files.
What I have tried is renaming the S2PMDIF file with a mdf extension on the end, but no avail. As well tried it as a touchstone, but still nothing.
I've been poking around the ADS directories, and I found the .aft file which makes up the import tool in ADS; it's called dftool. From reading, the .atf file
is the compiled counterpart of the AEL file, which controls all the data imports and exports, I think, in ADS. So if there's a way to get to the dft ael file
might help automate the conversion process.
Or there's some other way out there, if anyone on the forums can point me to?