Importing Design in Virtuoso

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Newbie level 1
Jun 29, 2015
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We are using Encounter Digital Implementation system 13.10. The technology library we are using is NCSU_TechLib_ami06 and the standard cell library is IIT_stdcells_ami05. While exporting the design from Encounter to virtuoso we are facing some problems. I tried to export the design to the virtuoso using 3 different methods. But all the methods gave some problems.

1. Using DEF
When I imported the design using .def file, some of the standard cells in the design are misplaced while opening in virtuoso.

2. Using .gds
In this case the connections present in the encounter are missing while importing to virtuoso.

3. Using oa library.
When I tried to save the design to the oa library it is showing the following error.
"The LEF libraries must be converted to OpenAccess form and the design reloaded using those OpenAccess libraries to be able to save a design database to an OpenAccess cellview."

So please advice me how to fix these issues.

Thank you,

Try this

1) Create a fresh new library in Virtuoso, and reference the technology library to it.

2) Stream In the GDS files of standard cells provided inside a Kit

3) Import LEF files provided within a Kit with "Layout" shown in a view parameter

4) Produce DEF file in Encounter

5) Import the DEF file produced in Encounter in Virtuoso to the created library with view and View List both set to "Layout"

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