Import conformal shapes from Blender models to simulate in HFSS. Is it possible?

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Feb 6, 2023
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I want to simulate a series of radiation patterns from a flexible antenna attached to a fabric (for example, a curtain), and this fabric is subjected to various surface deformation. These deformations are quite conformal, so wrapping a patch antenna onto a cylinder in HFSS isn't enough.

-- I made a fabric model in Blender software with the desired surface deformation, and then I output these models into .stl files and tried to import them into HFSS to wrap my patch antenna onto it. Unfortunately, HFSS does not properly open these files(it does not appear on the screen).

-- I output the vertices location of my simulated surface from Blender into .csv files. I wanted to use a third CAD model(SpaceClaim or Solidworks) to generate a solid with its surface based on the outputted vertices. And then import this solid into HFSS and have my patch antenna wrap onto it.
-I wonder if anyone has done a similar task like this before? i.e create a conformal shape in 3D CAD tools and import it into HFSS and have the antenna wrapped onto it, or import a flat patch antenna into a CAD tool, bend it, and then put it back to HFSS and simulate? I don't know how to use SpaceClain or Solidworks at all, so I want to get a sense if my approach's doable before investing a rather large amount of time and effort into it.
-This company seems to make an add-on to bend an imported object from HFSS in SpaceClaim and successfully put it back to HFSS to simulate. But I could not find the add-on publically downloadable:
Do you have any suggestions or thoughts on whether it is worth pursuing this, or does it sound too far from what HFSS(and CADTools) can do?


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