Implementing watermarking in Matlab

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Re: watermarking!!!

ISBN: 0071373241
Author: John Iovine / John Iovine
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics
Edition: 1 edition (January 2, 2004)
Pages: 274 pages
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Re: watermarking!!!

to ashwini182
i having a problem deciding on a problem, on wat would my undergrad project would be!!
can you help me?????
i be interested on microcontroler and in C++ prog.....
thx in advance

Re: watermarking!!!

@ leo :

hey y cant u try implementing a protocol ...i mean y nt try implementing ppp using 8051??

i can get u more topics... tell me if u havent finalised

hey i was down with fever ,thats y i cdnt get back to u sooner as said..sry leo

Re: watermarking!!!

hehehhe.....i only have some background on C++...
i wannna learnnn.can you help me pls.........

Added after 7 minutes:

just heard 6......
and other stop and wait somthing!!!!1

Added after 2 minutes:

how did you find the books??

Re: watermarking!!!

@ relizers :

hey u can convert the stereo signals to mono ones by

say is y is stereo signal

y = y,1);

this will do the conversion of stereo to mono..this is wht i had mentioned in the above example

Added after 3 minutes:

@ leo

please give me some time to download i cant dwnlaod from office ..i need to do it tonight that ok with u ...i will mail u once i downlaod the books

i can help u out in ur project wrks..tell me wht u know i can get u topics on wht u knw..rather than wht i knw

wht do u say??

Added after 8 minutes:

@ Leo

worthy project..just give a look am also trying to learn this stuff... try to carry out smthgn like embedded webservers or embedded databases...

its of gr8 value

**broken link removed**

i shall mail u then and thr if i get gud websites

Added after 8 minutes:

This book can help u well i suppose

Added after 3 minutes:

this one is also nice

Re: watermarking!!!

@ ashwini182
ok..i understand....mmm how about to input file wav and file text ? and embedd that.

sory if i more ask...i'm newbie in matlab

the global procedure audio watermarking will sent to you soon ??

Re: watermarking!!!

see actually what i had worked with is watermarking audio into audio

if u need to watermark an audio signal with a text , then may be you can try conveting those strings to integers and follow watermarking algorithm to hide it into the co-efficients of the audio signal.

lot many algorithms are available online..

its three years back that i had worked with this matlab for my garudate level project on .audio watermarking (audio in audio) and video watermarking (video in video)

now as am nt wrking with this field and am totally off from dsp i might take some time to get back to you.

if thats fine then i can suppport u ..i can only guide u then and thr..full code i can give u easily bt tthat wouldnt serve any purpose..

u better go thru the abv example that i gave and askme if u r held anywhr ...

i canbrowse and get u materials enough to understand the concepts...

wish u all the best ,


Re: watermarking!!!

the algorithm i use is stft and svd

i was try stft and svd in matlab and its work...the problem i have is what code to input file *.wav and how to embedd text in wav?

Re: watermarking!!!

I think u dint look properly at my example is wht u need

hey the below example is for audio in audio ...watermarking...

u can have an array of integers representing the string to be watermarked in audio and then proceed with the algorithm..did i make it clear??

if u can ,please let me know how u wrkd with stft and svd..

[y1,fs1] = wavread('host.wav'); // host.wav is some wav file from pc say ding or chord just rename and paste it in work folder
y1 is the audio and fs1 is its sampling frequency

y1 = y1,1); // stereo to mono conversion done here
[c1,l1] = wavdec(y1,3,'db6');

3 is the level of decomposition, db6 is the daubachies filter

look for help from matlab for information regading the variables used in the function.

Watermark signal read and decompose

[y2,fs2] = wavread('watermark.wav'); // watermark.wav is some wav file from pc say ding or chord just rename and paste it in work folder
y2 = y2,1); // stereo to mono conversion done here
[c2,l2] = wavdec(y2,2,'db6');

watermark algorithm :::::: goes here

watermarked signal reconstruct and write to disk

sum = wavrec(c1,l1'db6'); // after watermark signal is hidden into host... we
// reconstruct the host signal

u will find the watermarked.wav written in the work folder....thats the watermarked signal ready to be transmitted as audio watemarked signal


hope i cleared ur doubts!!!

let me know how else i can help u

Re: watermarking!!!

sory late to reply !!!

that nice ashwini...i was try the code.

:?: wavdec -> variabel ?? or...
:?: wacrec -> variabel ?? or...

can u give the complete source ??

Re: watermarking!!!

sample inverse STFT or ifft in matlab ?? for audio

Re: watermarking!!!

hey those are functions.. that return variables..

go to matlab help and then look for definitions

Re: watermarking!!!

helow ashwini182
can you help me learn c++ fast?/ a backgrauond....
sowe to all.. got off

Re: watermarking!!!

yeah i can help u ..hey thrs lot of books available in edaboard 4 c++

u can follow anyone of them... its easy as well interesting one too

Re: watermarking!!!

yha...but which would be best and fast for me to learn??

Re: watermarking!!!

i shall mail u sooner i cdnt find it out from edaboard now

Re: watermarking!!!

thx in advance im shall wait for it..

Re: watermarking!!!

hi all... im back......

Re: watermarking!!!

hi,my final year project is based on image watermarking i have code on t also ,but i want to extend my project till audio & video watermarking.plz provide me the code if any one is having it

Re: watermarking!!!

Sorry guys, i was'nt logging into edaboard. It was 5-6 years back i worked on it. I could help you with my project document. Still searching for code. I had it in some cd. would upload it as soon as i get it.

Please find the document attached. I will be happy if any of you find it useful.

Mail me / Message me if you find it useful. Please let me know if I could help you in any other way.

All the best

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