image processing on fpgas

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Junior Member level 1
May 17, 2013
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I have an image processing application to describe it with vhdl code, this application, is based on many mathematical functio, convolution, witch must be applied on bmp image 128*128 pixels.
for the vhdl description I don't know really if I have to do the some or to use memory (for loop), and if I use memories how can I read or write every element??
what is the best to use function module with entity and architecture ??
please if there is any one how is working with vhdl image processing to advice me how to have first step

First step would be to learn about digital logic design.
Secondly, on how to implement it - you're basically just making a processing pipeline. You inject data in the front and you get the result out the back. Forget about loops and everything you do in software - this is hardware now.

thnks Tricky

But i need to feed the image data in the hardware pipeline and then perform convolution process?? how is this possible ?? I also tried TEXTIO package bt it does not work??
Is there any conversion between MATLAB to VHDL ??

You can get HDL coder for simulink that can provide VHDL from a simulink diagram. Its an extra on a licence though (and it's not cheap).
To get the data into the hardware you need to use some communication protocol. An RS-232 link will be easiest.

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