image processing on FPGA

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Advanced Member level 2
May 25, 2004
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im planning to do image processing on an FPGA for my final year project. i have the altium live design evaluation kit which has an XC3S400 FPGA and im planning to use the monochrome M3188 camera.

the camera will be fitted on a pan and tilt mechanism. the main objective is to track an object. for example if someone comes in front of the camera, it will lock on the person's face and pan or tilt so that the face remains in the centre of the image. one thing more; the visual will be available on a vga monitor.

i know that there are a number of people on edaboard who might have done such a project. so, please help me.

c3088 camera module i am doing the same project ,but i have no evaluation kit, and i have to design the hardware platform now, i will use altera's FPGA

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link cmucam3 to fpga

hello there
i like your project idea. i'm thinkin of doin same in my final yr project.
my question is it possible to use fpga in ur fpga for video processing..
bytheway...have u finished ur project??
thank you

cmucam display on vga

i havent finished my project yet.

im sorry i didnt get the question. are you asking that is it possible to use an FPGA like the XC3S400 in video processing. well, if that is the question then yes it can be used. but ofcourse you cannot do alot with such an FPGA.

c3088 buy

hello there...

i want to do project with same idea of your.
i want to use a low grade cctv or webcamera(monochorme) for video..then fpga will do video processing and find various pattern (ball(round)) and o/p of fpga should be stepper motor so that it can track ball...and display the high quantity video of moving ball using good camera (color) and display it in a crt monitor. I think that using low grade camera makes pattern recongition in fpga easy????(give ur suggestion on that pattern recongnition in fpga).

Lastly, how do like the idea of mine. Actually it came from broadcasting camera in cricket ground in England where and movable camera around boundry line tracks the ball...and also from your idea.

thank you

c3088 interfacing to fpga

i think that interfacing a CCTV or a webcam with an FPGA would be difficult. because CCTV cams are analog and webcams have USB interfaces. in my opinion, interfacing a camera module like the C3088 or the C3188 is much easier. and these modules have also been used in the CMUCam 1 and 2 in which the camera module is interfaced with a microcontroller.

yes indeed lower resolution will make the calculations much easier and will make the design small. but the camera module that i suggested above comes with an option to reduce the frame size so that isnt a problem.

i hope that helps

c3088 + fpga interface

hello there

i'm doin my undergraduate final year project. My college don't have FPGA board or CMUCAM I module. CMUCAM cost about $110 and i don't what kind of fpga my project needs. I think my project will be costier. My project supervisor says that college can buy FPGA board now..(but I don't know which one). Please tell me which FPGA board will be feasible to my project..please give me the link,price,info, and distributor. As I'm Nepal, i'm there is no fpga distributor here...

If I'm able to used difficult it would be...Does FPGA board take external USB data....?

keep in touch

c3088 price

im also doing my undergraduate final year project. you dont need to buy the CMUCam. all you need is to buy an FPGA development board and a camera module like the C3188 or the C3088 and as for the prices;

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as for the FPGA board, well, ive mentioned in the other post about the Altium LiveDesign Evaluation Kit. and here is the link

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as for interfacing a webcam, well i cant say anything about that. but a webcam is going to cost you as much as a C3088 camera module.

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