Image manipulation using Turbo C++ V 3.0

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Full Member level 2
Mar 17, 2007
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I need to know if I can load and manipulate 8 bit pictures using Turbo C++ V 3.0
It would be helpful if I could load a picture into memory and then store the colour bit patterns of each pixel on the screen and store them in an array for future manipulation
Is this possible and if it is, how may I go on about it?

Thanks in advance.

I have done all this with this book.. i hope it will helps you,

**broken link removed**

Thank you dharmeshpitroda
I tried your link but I coudnt find the book. It told me to register to esnip and I have done it, but I still coudnt find the book. Could you please give me a more specific link or tell me the name of the book and its writer?
Thanks in advance.

I tried your link but I coudnt find the book
The link provided worked for me. It turns out to be "Image Processing in C" by D. Phillips. The book, and the source code to go with it, can also be downloaded from:

Another thing: if possible, find a more up-to-date compiler than Turbo C++ V 3.0! There must be some more modern compilers around if you look hard enough. I wrote a message to this effect in answer to your question, but I deleted it when dharmeshpitroda posted the link and said the book would help you; having now seen the book I still think you should take my advice and change compiler.


Thank you very much for those links. Please do share more such interesting links.

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