image enhancement using fpga.

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Newbie level 6
Jun 19, 2011
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hi , this is praveen
am doing my project on image processing(enhancement).
this i want to implement on vertex2pro fpga kit .

i need some suggestions to do this .
i need source code .

please give me some suggestions
-how to read a image file into verilog/vhdl code .
- how to implement this image pixel by pixel .

my aim is 'take input image from monitor(memory card/image source), process this on fpga and show output on monitor'.

first of all, I suggest learning about digital logic and then start learning verilog or VHDL.

And after you have learned that ... I suggest learning how to write a project definition, and how to ask meaningful & specific questions. Those combined skills should get you well underway on your project. Good luck!


i am done image negative transform using matlab(S=L-1-r).
and create r.txt file .

now coming to verilog coding am try to call r.txt file into my program using
my image size is 128x128 (ie, ixj).
i=128, j=128.
in r.txt filr it shows pixel values from 1 to 16384 .[128*128=16384].

now my doubt is how to take pixel values into my code and how to write back into a file.

I assume this code is just in your testbench, as you cannot synthesise fileIO

jpeg is compressed, so you would need verilog decompression functions. Easiest is text files with raw data, otherwise bitmap.

could you please give some examples for read&write text files( or bitmap) in verilog .

its important for me . please...

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