I'm frustrated because of unfair recruitment

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Advanced Member level 4
Mar 23, 2005
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i am frustrated

dear friends
i feel like i have a rock on my cheast i am writting to you to tell me your comments
for the last six monthes i had exams with a large firm working in the field of steel both flat and bars the announced before the exam that the are not care about the graduation degree after a dozen of exams the announced the exams result and i had the top total all over the others we were 30 engineers that participated in the exam and we became 6 after the exams the company was needing 8 engineers
when the hiring time came they take all the other 5 but not me instead of they need 8 they told me that we didn't take you because of your lower graduation degree instead of that i was in the first place i can't express how bad i feel or how much sadness reside in me what i can do
all comments are welcome bad or good

Re: i am frustrated

Things like this happen. It is hard but it is part of life. Something better may come up. Hold up your spirits!

Re: i am frustrated

Another way to look at it is your having a lucky escape from being stuck in a company with irrational managers.

Re: i am frustrated

dear mmohamed15

however, everything what you are frustated about have been passed, some says that the past is just memories, you can't do anything to change it, the future is unpredictable, and what we have is now, is it right? just try your best to achieve your dream one who are success is one who failed, because those who never failed, they also never success.. as flatulent said, you are lucky because you escape from being stuck in a company with an irrational manager..

good luck friend

Re: i am frustrated

I guess when u get the chance to work for a good company u will feel the real happiness now .. unless u get rejected in this bad one, u won't be able to feel this happiness later on inshallah ..
So, don't get frustrated .. things like this always happen .. do what it take u to do .. and don't overload urself with the results .. u won't be able to do everything .. just try to be the best, and this is all what one can do ..

but let me ask u a question .. r u a EE ??

Re: i am frustrated

yes i am an electrical engineer omara007

Re: i am frustrated

then, maybe steel is not the best choice for a EE ..

Re: i am frustrated

in egypt my country it is one of the best companies :|

Re: i am frustrated

as long as it's ONE of the best companies, then there should be the REST of the best companies .. go, apply, and don't panic easily ..
keep in mind that even Bill Gates had to struggle to get a good job .. this is normal .. no one is Albert Einstein so that people will fight to get him into their business .. and Even Einstein struggled to be Einstein .. !

Re: i am frustrated

Don't be frustrated.
Try, and try, and try again.

i am frustrated

believe in yourself, and you will have a good future.
there is a old Chinese word which means 'Gold will blaze wherever is it. ' just remember it.

Re: i am frustrated

nice to meet you. Look, we believe that what Allah does to us is for the welfare of us. We may see in one way but it may not be the right choice in the long run. Have patience and rely on Allah. We hope the future is going to be comforting for you. May Allah help you

Re: i am frustrated

may god sends you beter job


Re: i am frustrated

Dear Friends,

Sometimes God tests your patience, especially for the competent people. From my own experience, it is always like that. Firm or company could only determine the education background by your certificate only, even govenment does. Let think in another way, their policy is wrong instead of any problem on you.
From my own experience, sadness is inevitable, to be full competent Engineer, you not only need to cope with technical problem, but also the "side" problem which also distract or frustrate you. I have also done very long project, which spent me 1.5yr, I saw someone comming in, someone leaving, finally, the company gives up then ruin all my effort..... I could just tell myself, if I am like a fool, if I did sth wrong....... we need to accept the failure.....so that we could accept the success~

Hope you understand what I am saying~


i am frustrated

"i demolish all the bridges behind so am left with no option but to move ahead"

enjoy the life
it has much and much more to give

Re: i am frustrated

hey man this can happe to any body,
i am also having these type experiences,i was selected for about 6-7 companies in HR &tech. but not selected, there can be some lack in u.just wait something is waiting for u.

Re: i am frustrated

hey...cheer up ^^

it's not your lost !!!! things might not always turn out the way we planned it or hoped it to be...however, every situation has its own lesson to learn or things to realize...look on the brighter side of it...maybe it just took place because it's not the best job for you & there is a better opportunity ...

there are a lot of twist & turns in job hunting ...but those who are persistent & confident about their skills will definitely find their niche...hope you find yours soon...

Re: i am frustrated

hi mohamed,
i'm from egypt too, we all pass this situation, it happned to me in mentor graphics egypt, and you can tell what is mentor graphics in egypt, but for the age reason, after the finals i was taken one of 4..then they told me that i'm a bit older than them. any way i guess what really helps is a job offer, send me your C.V and i'm applying for a new job now, if i get it (insha2 allah) i may put you in my place in the old one or even who knows may be they have vacancies in the new one (if i got there).
good luck to you.

Re: i am frustrated


Ya Muhammad, that is not the end of the world. Destiny may be having some thing good in store for you. I had gone through similar situtations and always found later that my rejection was the best thing which happened to me that time. The key is PATIENCE & HARDWORK & TRUST IN GOD IF YOU BELEIVE IN HIM IN & WHATEVER WAY YOU WROSHIP HIM.

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