I'm building VI-Curve tracer,anyone interested?

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Junior Member level 2
Jul 24, 2003
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how to build a curve tracer

I'm building VI-Curve tracer, using PIC16f877 and DAC mcp4822 from microchip
and interfaced to PC through serial port. The host software developed in Delphi. It is running at the moment, but not yet finalized.
If I find interest, I’ll post the details, so we can discuss, and I'll be happy to receive comments and contributions

mcu based curve tracer

I also thought about that, but I have no experience in MCU programming.
But I very like to use tracer instead of IV measurement. One glance at the curve shape can give you much more infornation than pecise measurements.
Do you include additional bias for plotting 3-terminal devices like transistors?

v/i curve tracer

At the beginning, I thought of making two channels running simultaneously, however after testing I found that any voltage source with a resistor as current limiter will be enough, I tried testing BJT, MOSFET, OPTO, all ok
in the design I have add a demux (relays) stage to test chips (8pins) using test clip, I want to be able to test, compare, store results
If u want to build a simple one without mcu
Maxim has App note of nice design using ADC and DAC that have serial interface and they are connected directly to the parallel port, a qbasic program is available also
but it can run under dos up to win98
I have build it with some modification, after Maxim Generously sample me the DAC and ADC chips, and is running nicely

build curve tracer

Are you post the your VI-curve this forum? Is ıt possbel? please I need the VI curve
thanks for your help

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