Hey, everybody!
I am simulating an LNA with high linearity using Derivative Superposition Method. (This is just the core LNA without matching on NFmin and output. GAMax values are now 15 and NFMin 1.5 which I am quite satisfied with for now).
(I guess the specific method of increasing linearity is not important I just want to understand the results of the simulation).
These are the values of the simulation port and frequency.
This is the spectrum I see in the simulation.
My questions are this.
If I put the markers on the left side (M4 and M5) then calculating the IIP3 value I get a value of 18.3 dBM.
And if I put the value on the right side - then the calculated value using the ip3_in function is 22.9 dBM.
(I also check this simulation in Cadence Vitruoso to make sure that the high IIP3 value is the same in both simulators).
Can these values be considered valid? Is the value on the left or right more important?
Or is it important that they are approximately equal ?
Should I keep to these simulation results while continuing the design ? (building a full LNA circuit by adding input and output matching).
Are there any other characteristics that should be paid attention to ?