For the test circuits at the datasheet, as I’ve looked and it’s for switching timing test, what parameters can I get from testing circuit from datasheet except switching time tr, tf, etc?
Let me qualify the test work I did, it was largely digital and I/O pin drive characteristics. Testing would consist
of a gross tests to weed out crap, like dead shorts or opens on the power pins. That was to minimize wasted
time when wafer sorting and marking bad die. Test then would go on to more functional testing. Like power
up part, put it into a functional state, and measure its Poperating.
A datasheet has a lot of DC parameters, in that case circuits typically simple, these days usually not
shown in datasheet. As you point out test circuits typically shown for AC stuff. Excepting higher power stuff
where DC and safe area is discussed in detail in additional docs.
A datasheet represents both tested data and process characterization data.
In high powered devices I would not be surprised if they were doing thermal tests to insure die
attach was done effectively, eg. heat up part while measuring its time constant to insure its thermal
R in spec...... We did a simple T test by biasing substrate with high current, measuring fwd
biased diode in process to get T, and then flipping back to normal biasing and doing gross test. Helped
eliminate environmental chambers.
A breakdown test would be force a current limited V generator and measure the leakage in the
path of concern. Beta would be measured by forcing a current into base and measuring the current
out of a V source at the point transistor in active region, like Vce > 2V (that varies with transistor type)
in small signal case. Vcesat for example :
Here one forces Ibase until a measured Ic occurs (Ib x 10), and Vce is measured.
You might want to visit the OEM Test equipment sites, I would posit they have training
videos one could watch to get an idea what is typically being done these days.
In the old days we would do customer specific testing, sometimes make up particular
jigs for that purpose with custom software. I would guess these days thats only offered
in outside 3'rd party houses used to screen for specific performance.
Of course testing for life support, medical, space applications much more thorough.
Regards, Dana.