Re: If given a step signal, how to set "maximum step size" in PSPICE Trasient Analysi
Keith is right - simulator checks for transitions and intelligently reduces the time-step. Maximum time step does not mean that the simulator will always use that time step.
Mostly I prefer to leave the Max time step undefined, so that the simulator calculates the time step on its own. If there is loss of resolution in results, only then would I set the max time step to a smaller value.
Also - PSpice supports SCHEDULE statement for the max time step. That means you can have a small TMax for a small part of the simulation (which has switching), and have it run fast otherwise.
e.g. SCHEDULE(0s, 100m, 9.9ms, .01m, 10.2ms, 100m) => TMAX of .01ms between TIME=9.9m and 10.2m, and 100ms otherwise.