If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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eaglecad vcc and ground missing

sure. you can draw anything. You put pins in the symbol and pads in package and then in the device section, you connect pins to pads.

I often take an existing similar part, make a copy and hack it up. You can take symbols from one part and mate them to packages from another part to create a new device. In the eagle control panel, you can navigate to a device in a library and copy to any other library - open the library you want to put it in, then in the control panel, select the device or package you want and right click it. select copy and it will show up in the open library. Then you open the symbol or package and modify it.


panelize.ulp eagle cadsoft

thanks phil i managed to open a similar part in the library edit window...i copied a PIC16 and i want to modify it to look like a PIC18...the numbers of pins on each side is different for both chips...so what function in the eagle can do that for me...i'm using eagle freeware...

eagle pic18f4520

I'd suggest you find a part that has the same package and make a copy of it. It's going to be easier. Which part are you trying to draw?

delete a hole eagle cad

i need to draw a PIC18F452 chip,18 pin 28 pin and 40 pin device...i can't find a similar package as the pin allocations are different....

subd lib eagle cad

ok, it's not that hard. first make a symbol - open up the lib editor, create a new symbol called pic18F452. Click on the pin tool (bottom of the left hand tool panel) and lay down 40 pins in 2 columns. for the right column, rotate the pins. Click on the name tool and then click on each pin, renaming it to the appropriate name. Now, use the wire tool to draw a box around the pins. next, add the text ">NAME" in the names layer and ">VALUE" in the values layer.

Now, find a 40 pin (or what ever you want to use) package and copy it to the library where you created the symbol. Next, click on device and create a new device named pic18f452. In the panel to the left, click on the "add" button. select the symbol you just created. it will apear in the left hand pane. Then click on the "new" button of the lower right panel and select the package you want, it will aear in the upper right panel. Finally, click the connect button and connect the pads of the package with the pins of the symbol. take care to get them right.

finally, in the schematic editor, either do a "use" or "Update" for the library that has the new part you just created.

The 452 is only a 40 (dip or plcc) or 44 pin (tqfp) part. Not 18 or 28.

orphans = off eagle

oh...thank u so much philba...ur answer was so detailed,i almost made it...initially i didn't even knew how to draw the box...but philba,after i drew the pins,box,names and all that, how do i copy a similar package to the one i was drawing...is it a must...wat i did was,i jus clicked on device,and then i clicked the add icon...wat i drew did appear,but from there i didn't find any 'new' button in the lower right panel to select the package...so how....thanks...

eagle cad find unrouted

when you enter "device" mode by clicking on the "device" button that is just under the menu bar, you will get 3 panels. The left side is for the symbol, the right 2 are for the package. The bottom one has 3 buttons: new, connect and prefix. press the one labeled new.

You should go through the library tutorials. You can find several via google search.

By the way, I have eagle 4.15 but this hasn't changed in a long time.

eagle cad ratsnest shortcut

I drew this one up. I believe the pin assignments are correct but have not verified the IC footprints. Includes DIP40, PLCC44, TQPF44 packages. Please feel free to use for non-commercial applications. contact me for commercial applications.

eagle rotate polygon

thanks very much philba...i managed to do it,ur guide has been more heplful than the tutorials...

cadsoft eagle drawing mess up

hi!!! i managed to draw all the ics but i'm not able to draw components like switch...if i could draw that,my schematic would 95% complete...thanks..

74hc244 eagle

hi...i need to connect the pins of a 40,28,18 pin device...such as the RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3 and etc...i don't want to draw wires as it looks too messy and difficult to draw....is there some kind of connector(not physical) to put at each end...?thanks...


- I need socket land-pad footprint for wells TSOP 40 , pitch 0.5, width 10 mm and tip to tip 14.00 mm.
- part number: 648A0402211-A01 or tell me where is library for this ZIF socket.


eagle layout hide vcc and gnd layer


Does anyone know how to give pins the same name...

i.e. I'm busy creating a library for the PIC18F4520, in tqfp with 44 pins, and it has 4 NC, 2 Vdd and 2 Vss pins.

The manual from eagle says:

8.6 Pins with the Same Names
If you want to define components having several pins of the same name,
then proceed as follows. Let us suppose that three pins are all to be
called GND. During the symbol definition the pins are given the names
GND@1, GND@2 and GND@3. Only the characters in front of the
“@” are visible in the schematic, and the pins are treated there as if they
were all called GND. However these pins are not necessarily internally

But when I do what it says the pins in the symbol just say GND@1, GND@2 and so on.

Can anyone help????



yes i wanted to know how to route the Vcc and Gnd pins of digital ICs.eg:4001,4017. Please reply urgently

how panelize in cadsoft eagle

Can i connect two wires(at different part of schematic) by placing common name(or value or any thing) on them.

please help:?:

polygon dashed cadsoft

raghav said:
yes i wanted to know how to route the Vcc and Gnd pins of digital ICs.eg:4001,4017. Please reply urgently

type the command invoke, then you select the part, the pins will appear

using an existing board with eagle

I am new to Eagle but not to PCB software (OrCAD)
I am having trouble plotting the board layers with pads showing.
In the CAM processor, I turn on pads and tracks and plot but when I view the Gerber file, only the tracks show. If the pads are there, they are very small (points)

Please help?


eagle schematic omega

Can anyone tell me why Eagle AutoRouter draws tracks with weird non-45/90 degree angles? See white circles in the attached screen-shot of a PCB which has been routed with 10mil grid. After autorouting even DRC gives "Angle" errors !!!

This is very annoying as I have to change all the angles manualy to make PCB look good.

Does anyone have any solution for this?

zif library eagle

Most possible caused by routing grid. Try to reduce grid.

Another tip is to avoid autorouter completely or only use it to give indication of possible routing pats.

Another tip. For even more support try cadsoft newsgroups which is online 24h.d. Find information at cadsoft.de on how to connect. Here you can search through tousends of messages which most possible will solve your problem.

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