If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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eagle 4.15 reset autoroute

paste this in the command line

help mirror

eagle cad internally connected

optech said:
Hi all,

Can I put different parts into two diffrent side of a PCB with eagle? If it is possible, How can I do that? I am giving a picture about it in the attachment....

SMDs are by default placed on the top layer. Just click on "mirror", then on the device. You'll recognize that the footprint changes from top layer (red) to bottom layer (blue).

dil28 library for eagle

Hi there!!I have a question about eagle:
1.How to use the ULP and script?as far as i know, i only use for eagle3d ulp.
2.How to have different net's width in pcb autoroute mode?I want to have different net width for supply and other net in autoroute mode,can i?
3.How to make the autorouter in our eagle more powerfull and efficient?(not easy to give up?


invoke eagle vcc

I want to export a schematic I made in EAGLE to PCB. The problem is that when I try the autoroute command , it creates a two sided pcb but I only want one sided. How can I define that?

eagle pcb hyde pad

Is would route in singlesided mode,
How to do??

Is there any book in pdf how to wok with eagle?

paste buffer empty eagle pcb

ISO said:
I want to export a schematic I made in EAGLE to PCB. The problem is that when I try the autoroute command , it creates a two sided pcb but I only want one sided. How can I define that?

in autoroute setup dialog, general tab select N/A for the layer you don't want to use

Added after 4 minutes:

The Puma said:
Is would route in singlesided mode,
How to do??

Is there any book in pdf how to wok with eagle?

**broken link removed**

eaglecad changing units

I'm a newbie EAGLE user, first time poster and need some help!!!

I'm trying to get a small SMT board designed for production and I thought I'd test drive the Eagle software.

Up to now I've been doing prototype boards using the free software tools and services from ExpressPCB (quite expediently I might add).

All I'd like to do at this point is copy the existing board art I've laid out in the ExpressPCB tools and redraw it with the Eagle PCB editor.

I've looked thru most all the applicable libraries and I can't seem to locate the most basic of SMT pad entities... things like SMT 0603 / SOT223-5 / 3528-21 TantB, etc. (I did find the SOIC-8!!) Am I just not finding these in the standard library files? Are there other avialable libraries that I can update with that include these?

I've also tried using the library editor and feel hamstrung... the available pad choices appear limited. How can I draw a custom pad in the library editor? I have some dual LED packages and gull-wing switches that require this. I'm also not sure how to reset the grid snap... everything snaps at 0.05" Where can I set this?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Thanks in advance,

eagle schematic file damaged, how to fix it?

Hello there
i have been using EAGLE for long back time and i am still unaware
that how can we instantiate things to save rework like i want to use my previous done layout in a new
project so how can use that

adding to it i would also like to know how we can open two board windoe simultaneuosly to copy from one window to another
Manish jain

gerber and excellon files in eagle 4.08

manish jain said:
Hello there

adding to it i would also like to know how we can open two board windoe simultaneuosly to copy from one window to another
Manish jain

open the source board, select and cut the part of the board you want to copy, close the board window without closing the control panel, open the board where you want to copy to and paste

pic 28 soic eagle

how to move the command window tool bar to bottom ?

copy from one sheet to another eagle

I wrote my.ulp and my.scr program for eagle.

my.scr call immediately the my.ulp program.

I want Eagle must close if the my.ulp operation is finished.

How scr or ulp program close all windows and terminate without user interferance ?

Eagle give an error messages `Can't close windows while command is running` If i use close command for last command in the my.scr or my.ulp

plcc44 to dip40 eagle

i want to change one pad size.How can i do?

zif socket library for eagle

senay said:
i want to change one pad size.How can i do?

to edit a package or a symbol you have to use the library

in the control panel: file >> open >> library >> edit whatever you have to

eagle autoroute traces angle

did Egale support third party netlist's like Orcad

db9 uart connector eagle cadsoft

> currently im using eagle 4.1V, but i would like to ask on how
to use a double sided by seperating the color layout from the
other side, so that i could ready use it for printing in actual PCB.

>what is a standard setting of ERC, DRC if i will work in
filter designing.

thats all thank you!!!

eagle cad jumper

Eagle 4.09r2 has always worked OK for me but suddenly its impossible to print a schematic. Everything looks OK on the screen. When I print all IC outline and all components are OK but all text, ICpinnumber, componentidentity and value is only black boxes.
Is there anyone on this board who knows what to do?

eagle d-sub smd 9 pin

the thing about eagle is that you select a given device, not a package. A device has a symbol and one or more packages. For example there is one resistor symbol and a lot of packages (603, 805, 1206, ...). you need to find it in the libraries. Resistors and caps are in the library rcl.lib. for a 603 resistor, you go into rcl.lib and find resistor and select the 603 package. This may seem hard at first but it really makes a lot of sense. The biggest drawback to me is the vastness of the eagle libraries. It's sometimes hard to find things in it. All those parts you mentioned are in there. Go to the cadsoftusa.com site - they have lots of extra libs. Also, you can't use a lib until you do a USE on it. Some come "preUSED" but others aren't. One thing though, verify the demensions of the footprint. there are errors and you should take the time to be certain it's correct.

There is at least one decent library tutorial. google knows where it is. You can define any pad size you want. Check out the library - ic-package.lbr for a number of footprints. You can also grab the package of any device in any lib and use it. It took me a few hours to figure out the lib editor but now I can pound out a part very quickly, even a big part. Most time is now spent drawing the schematic symbol.

I don't know if this has been recommended before but the Al Williams book "Build your own printed circuit boards" is actually the best Eagle tutorial I have seen. It's quite good even if he does really promote the autorouter.

Finally, make sure you are using eagle 4.15 or later if you are making gerbers.


eagle pcb hatch vs solid

hi there! hav jus started usin eagle 4.16....need some help in creating new parts for my schematic diagram....i am creating a schematic for PIC18 based pcb...the library in eagle does not have any PIC18...So how do i create my own....thanx

eagle cad single side autoroute

Well, there are a lot of PIC18 chips. I have a library with some PIC18s but dont seem to be able to attach the file. sorry. Check the cadsoft site.

It's not at all hard to make your own part, though. Here's a link to a quick tutorial: **broken link removed**

what is a wire radius in pcad

Thanks philba...the tutorial was helpful but can i create components in the library like switches and all that?...wat i am actually doin is the schematic for PICDEM2 plus(microchip)...i'm drawin the entire schematic in eagle omittin only a few minor circuits....

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