How to route cables
This is probably the most contentious issue in the EMC world and it is by no means a
problem that is restricted to the GTEM cell. However, because the cell is compact, the
relative dimensions of interconnecting cables soon become an issue. Cables pickup can ruin
the performance of an otherwise good EUT and make a lot of difference to the immunity of
the test item at lower frequencies – below 150 MHz where the cables can act as resonant
antennas. Because of the existence of a longitudinal field component in the GTEM, it is
important that cables are not routed inside the cell along the longitudinal axis. To get from
the boundary of the EUT the cable should be routed along the transverse (X) axis or
diagonally towards the penetration plate. This will avoid over-testing the EUT.
" - The Use of GTEM Cells for EMC Measurements, 6.21.