Idea to Keep Crows Away

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Mar 27, 2002
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keep crows away

Anyone have an idea to keep crows away? LASER, Ultrasonic etc...

There is a crow problem in my town, it's not safe to walk in main street here ;-)
cause there are too many crows on the trees... And number of crows are increasing every year.

Mayor is looking for a solution to keep Crows away from these trees. Of course killing them is not a proper solution here.

Street is around 1KM and there are big plane trees at the street.

I plan to visit mayor next week about problem. I would like to know about your ideas or experiences.


how to keep crows away

Is there some bird that eats crows but does not bother humans?

Removing their food supply will help. In towns they are scavengers. There are no crops growing in town. Do people have trash containers and leave the lids off?

how to scare away with crows

Electronic solutions are not promising.
I tried everything to get rid of ducks in shrimp farms and they can end sitting on the barrel of a shotgun.
Once a captured duck was tortured alive and recorded on tape; playing back on loudspeakers; did not work for long.
Feed them with some anticonceptive or sterilizing drug. That has to work.
Let me know actions, am interested.

keeping crows out of garbage

Try investigating methods used at airports - they deal with this problem every day.

How about a motion sensor of some sort linked to a squib (small black-powder explosive) or blank shot-shell trigger. Crows land - loud bang - crows leave.

Trouble is, it might upset people with weak hearts.

A kid at school suggested leaving them food soaked in Brasso (a brass cleaning liquid). Apparantly the crows explode a few minutes after eating. Not so loud, but messy I would think.

Seriously though, removing the food is the best option if possible.


sound to keep crows away


So you do not like crows, such lovely birds.

As you figured out already it is very hard to get rid of them, but a combination off these might help. Since I do not know where you live and amount of trees/crows I just suggest:

Crows are living creatures and should be treated there after I think, so do not give pesticides.

Remove food (very hard)
Remove eggs in the nest, also hard. Give the kids a penny for every egg might help.
Shooting a lot of them is a solution but need to do it over a long time to reduce the population.
I am afraid that screaming them wont help more than a month, but try to disturb them.

The way used at airports at some places are hawks or falcons, even in cities they are doing a great job. Consider this last one, goshawk are normally used.
Give them some nice place to live and they limit the population.


I work at an airport that has an electronic bird-scaring system.And guess what?That's right,it does not scare them even slightly!These systems work only for a short period,after which birds get used to it.
Crows are very,very smart.They are scared only if there is a real danger,like an air-rifle.When they see it,they stay 60m. away!
Devil's creatures,that's what they are

All aniamals are in the chain food of somebody else .. and this has been the case for thouthands of years .Crows are VERY ,VERY INTELIGENT animals ..but i think that eagles are their enemies .so i suggest a sound system capable of sending sounds in diferent directions .. so crows are not able to locate a source of it.

ya john is right in saying that an eagle is an enemy of crows so you can go for this solution as you can install some system that will produce eagles voice so as to distract them and they will haunt in vain. When distrurbed for some time they might feel like changing their habitat.

Hope so !
Its easy to fight with nature but hard to sustain! :2gunfire:

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