In few amateur projects i found 7660 IC used with few kOhm trimmer pot adjustable resistor (for voltage divider). Then we can adjust gate biasing from 0 to -3.3v using trimmer pot to tune transistor for best performance (multiplier, oscillator, amp). I do not know how to understand impact of 7660 voltage ripple on phase noise. Will it be bigger than without 7660 with only self-biasing?
Using 7660:
- more phase noise? (not obvious)
- less power consumption? (not obvious)
- easier biasing for certain load line
as i understand, when we have negative power source, some things become easier.
Using self-bias:
- less phase noise
- more power consumption? (not obvious, more power consumption if i increase voltage. less efficiency if voltage is the same, because power dissipated in Rs)
- more difficult to tune gate negative voltage bias
- cannot use bigger voltage to compensate drop around Rs, because load line can become dangerous (not obvious)
Hope to hear about that not obvious things.