ICD2 clone 4550 rev B INFO!!!

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Newbie level 4
Nov 9, 2009
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Hi at all,
I'm Noris from Italy and I'm building a ICD2 clone 4550 revB at http://icd2clone.com/wiki/Main_Page.
Some answer:
1)What is the right version of mplab ide that runs corectly with this ICD2??

2)For programming the 4550 I must set MCLR Disabled,RE3 Enabled
For programming the PIC I use winpic800 and serial JDM Programmer.
I disable the MCLR but I can not find RE3.
See that picture for details:

Where is the RE3???

Thanks at all for help!
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You can use any version of Mplab with the ICD2 - they are both Microchips own products - but you are always better to use the latest one.
Anything starting with Version 8.nn will be fine.

Mclre , Vpp and RE03 all share the same Pin 1.
Pin 1 is Vpp, program voltage, and only use when you are programming it.
During normal running your Config statement tells the chip to use pin 1 as either Mlcre, the reset pin or as RE03 a digital input port.

I haven't used that software or hardware but your screen shot seems to be showing the window where you can enter the Config data manually.

Think if you leave it blank and then load the .hex code you will find it gets the Config information direct from the .hex code.

Thanks WP100 for your repply,I'm sorry for delay to response you but with little kid
I haven't much time to spend for hobby!!!
What programmer you use??What software you use to program PIC???
I'm working in a factory that made PCB......see www.tecnomasterspa.com
For me is simply to made PCD double face.
Bye!and thanks again.


Assume you have not been able to get the 4550 programmed ?

You could try this software, I have used it with a diy parallel port porgrammer and it does do the 18F chips.


However be aware that the JDM programmers can be tricky to use.
Have you programmed other chips with the JDM or is this the first time you have tried it ? I built 2 of them but never got them to work, although a few people swear by them, many like me swear at them !

I now have the Pickit2 programmer from Microchip and also a diy version.

For diy use the Pk2 is all you need, the ICD2 is more for top end users - although nothing wrong with it if you have built it, just costs a bit more with all those chips.
The pickit2 uses a 2550 chip, but can also use the 4550 as its only memory size thats different.

Lets us know how you get on with that software - it should work.

It isn't the first pic that I program,I had programmed the 4550 but I can not try the icd2 because
I'havent the usb connector.
Thanks fot link of software,I try it tomorrow.
bye I must go at work now,see you later.

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