IC5141 on SUSE10.2, can't do export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1

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Dec 9, 2003
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ld_assume_kernel=2.4.1 cannot


I just installed IC5141 on SUSE10.2. If I put "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1" into ".bashrc", I get "error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when I try to do "icfb&". Even "ls" command fails with error message "error while loadingshared libraries: librt.so.1: cannot open shared object".

But if I remove the "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1", I get the "error while loading shared libraries: libg2c.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

I also tried "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.9" or "2.4.22". It doesn't help.

My kernel is

Any help are appreciated!

ld_assume_kernel 2.4.1


sorry, but as I know IC5141 does not run under Suse10.2 without extrem library hacking. I remember, that there where some posts in the past that deals with this topic. I could recommend Ubuntu 6.06.

Kind regards,

ld_assume_kernel 2.4.1 in ubuntu

Same here. IC5141 can work well with SUSE10.0. I also recommend Ubuntu 6.06, I even don't need to modify those files in the installation directory. And IC5141 works fluently.

unable to export in suse10

But I read Ubuntu 6.06 cannot be installed on Core2Duo+SATA2 HDD

It seems SUSE 10.0 also cannot be installed. At least I didn't find a solution until now.

ic5141 ld_assume_kernel

Hi Fom,

finally I found a final solution for me:
--> Install virtualbox (www.virtualbox.org) maybe under windows or ubuntu ... --> setup an virtual machine and install CentOS4 (https://www.centos.org, it uses identical libraries like redhat 4 --> cadence tools runs without problems)

I have an Pentium4, 2,4GHz with 1,5GB RAM and Cadence DFII works smooth under this virtual CentOS4 (Host System is Ubuntu 8.04).

Kind regards,

suse 10 ld_assume library

I also thought about VMware.
But today I found out some BIOS option for IDE devices (actually my notebook doesn't have any IDE drives - only SATA). There are 2 options: advanced and compatible. Default setting is advanced. Today I am going to try installation with compatible option.

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