Hi sharankumargoud,
During the synthesis of my verilog file using DC compiler, it created the files .DDC, .SDF, .SDC and .V. The .V file is the one i have imported in the ICCompiler after i have created my MW library....
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Hi Sharankumargoud,
during the synthesis of my verilog file using the Design compiler, it created the files .DDC, .SDC, .SDF and .V. The .V file is the one which i have imported in the ICCompiler after i have created the MW library...
BTW, thanks for the reply...
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Hi cherizkrish
i have done that already and the error just keep on repeating.... i just dont know what to do... i guess the problem is in the synthesis part... but there was no error generated during the design process of the Design compiler.... they say maybe the problem is on the links or paths of the files that i have... but i have checked it already......
BTW thanks for the reply....