I am any problem to porting the FreeRTOS Demo Project for STM32l15x microcontroller to the STM32L-Discovery Board.
I would know how I can make a template project with free main that I can use with FreeRTOS and the STM32L-Discovery Board.
The Ide that I use is IAR EWARM.
When I do the porting from the Demo FreeRTOS Project for STM32l15x to a free template project for STM32L-Discovery board I can see same compiler and linker errors.
The most important errors that I can't resolve are related at the linker. The linker don't find a definition of same FreeRTOS functions.
all path are setted very well.
I think that the problem is related at the function defined in the previous demo application that I have changed with my black project but I don't know how I can set and define this function in the new project.