I2c + spi +rs232 differences?

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Jun 28, 2008
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can someone guid me to the diffrences between all these serial comunication ?with details and useful links if possible..

I'll have a go...

I2C (=IIC =Inter-Integrated-Circuit)
Intended for communication between IC's on a single board but sometimes used between boards.
Only two signal wires needed: clock and data
Single duplex
Not usually fast - 100Kb/s and 400kb/s are the usual modes. Faster are available but not widely supported.
IC's each have a selectable address, allowing selective communication with multiple devices on the bus
True multimaster - with collision avoidance and bus arbitration
I2C-Bus: What's that?

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
Three or more signal wires needed (clock, data in, data out and multiple slave selects)
Full duplex operation
Fast - typical rates of 10MHz, 20MHz or much faster especially on FPGA
With multiple devices on the bus, the target must be selected by an out-of-band chip (slave) select wire
Devices operate as master, slave or both
Serial Peripheral Interface Bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One or more signal wires (TX, RX, ready to send, clear to send; simplest one-way might just use one wire - TX or RX)
Generally intended for communications between just two devices
Handshaking wires can be optionally used for control of data flow
Typically used for long, inter-equipment links
Asynchronous, needs accurate data rate control and oversampling at the receive end for high speeds
Typically slow speeds (from 300 baud to 115,200 baud) but much faster is possible on very fast custom logic
True RS232 typically uses around +/- 12V for RX/TX levels - needs a level converter to logic but gives long possible cable length
Logic-level RS232 (e.g from an MCU) is more susceptible to interference over long distances
RS-232 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does that give you a starting point?
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can someone guid me to the diffrences between all these serial comunication ?with details and useful links if possible..


Your question is not quiet right, it should be I2c, Spi and Usart - RS232 is just one of many communication methods eg EIA, RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485.

There is so much out there on all those methods - simply google 'Wiki SPI' for an overview.

That's true, but RS232 is a good starting point to compare with I2C and SPI.

can someone guid me to the diffrences between all these serial comunication ?with details and useful links if possible..

I²C, SPI and RS-232 are categorized into two groups of serial communication protocol/standards, synchronous and asynchronous:


I²C - The Inter-Integrated Circuit Protocol (I²C), aka 2-Wire Interface, is a synchronous serial protocol which utilizes only two Open Drain lines to implement a Serial Data/Address Line (SDA) and a Serial Clock Line (SCL). I²C was original developed by Philips and is a superset of the Intel's SMBus.

Reference: I²C Wikipedia

Other References:

I2C Protocol - How It Works, and What to Watch Out For

Using the I2C Bus Tutorial

SPI - The Serial Peripheral Interface Standard (SPI), aka 4-wire interface, is a synchronous serial protocol originally developed by Motorola which utilizes only four lines to implement a Serial Clock (SCLK/SCK/SCL), a Master Output, Slave Input or Serial Data Out (MOSI/SDO), a Master Input, Slave Output or Serial Data In (MISO/SDI) and a Slave Select (SS/NSS). The separate data input and data output lines of SPI allow for Full Duplex Communications. There are other naming conventions used to designate the various line, I have only listed a few of the more commonly used.

Reference: **broken link removed**

Other References:

Serial Peripheral Interface Bus

SPI Bus Interface Tutorial

Motorola SPI Tutorial

More detailed reference material and tutorials are usually available from the manufacture of the device you are implementing either I²C or SPI.


RS-232 - The Recommend Standard 232 (RS-232) development began back in the days of Teletypes, as such there are many references to these devices in the standard as well as the accompanying American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character encoding scheme which is often utilized with RS-232 communications. RS-232 was developed as an asynchronous data and control standard to establish communications between a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and a DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment). RS-232 requires the use of proper transceivers, like the MAXIM MAX232, at both the DTE and DCE and the minimum of three lines to establish communications, a Transmit (TX), a Receive (RX) and Common Ground (GND). There are however numerous other control lines, some are still used quite frequently, others rarely today.

Reference: RS-232 - Wikipedia

Other References:

The RS-232 Standard

RS-232 Data Interface

RS232 serial interface tutorial

**broken link removed**

Hope the info helps in your understanding of the I2C, SPI and RS-232 Interfaces,

Reactions: alexxx


    Points: 2
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Thank you guys for the amount of information you post.

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