I2C slave code needed

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Member level 4
Nov 29, 2006
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Hi all....
If any one as I2c slave code ,, can u please send it ,,,,,

look app from xilinx

XAPP333 - CoolRunner XPLA3 I2C Bus Controller Implementation

This document details the VHDL implementation of an I2C controller in a Xilinx CoolRunner XPLA3 256 macrocell CPLD. CoolRunner CPLDs are the lowest power CPLDs available, making this the perfect target device for an I2C controller.

Design Files: coolvhdlq.htm
Associated Products: CoolRunner XPLA3
Version: 1.8 Size: 152Kb Date: 12/30/03 Helpful? Yes | No

this refrence design support master/slave i2s bus

**broken link removed**

I am not able to run code in FPGA4fun.com ,,,,, Is it correct? Even though its compiling but I am not getting correct results when I tested(Just passing Start bit and one SDA value),,,,,,,,, Can any one of used it if yes please reply back

vinod_g said:
I am not able to run code in FPGA4fun.com ,,,,, Is it correct? Even though its compiling but I am not getting correct results when I tested(Just passing Start bit and one SDA value),,,,,,,,, Can any one of used it if yes please reply back


the FPGA4fun can give you some ideal and concept with
how to get start a simple i2c slave.

if you realize it,you can write the code all your own.

Here is the code for I2c slave.paste the link below in the URL. you need scroll lit bit to find code from user NULL.

I2C and SPI in Verilog

Here is the code for I2c slave.paste the link below in the URL. you need scroll lit bit to find code from user NULL.

I2C and SPI in Verilog

I dont think you are newbee here and are a member from 2 years...

dont re-open 3 year old thread... read the date of the post before you post your answers.....

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