What is the frequency of I2c bus? some of I2C devices do not work in high frequency, say 100KHz.
another one; Is your source program OK in other situation?
1-Short pathes between I2C driver and slaves
2-Single pull up for each of SCL & SDA "don't put pull up for each device"
3-Try to make SDA & SCL tracks identical AS possible
4-Start with very low SCL frequency you can even work at frequency less than 100KHz
5-Make sure that you put the correct Device Address and addess select is correctly configured "if your chip have address select"
6-Finally you can use PC controlled I2C driver for debugging
7-for more details you can check the I2C specs
1. Check to see if voltage levels are same on new devices
2. Can you get some scope plots to see where the problem is, if signal integrity is not compromised
when 2 more devices are placed.
3. Check to see if out of those 2 non working which one is causing a problem.
4. Place 22 ohm terminating resistors.
5. Can also change the pull up values keep it above 4K.
5. It would better if you can hook up a logic analyzer and trigger when you power up.