Hi their I'm a newbie and would like some help on how to create(program) any GUI Visual display/s like "oscilloscope screen, 7 Seg LED Control(custom) for .NET like in codeproject from scratch?
I want to Program in Visual Basic.NET 2008.
Also I would like to know from the experts how to create an Application like the attachment I have uploaded?**broken link removed**
And I'm prepared to learn anything and everything,I would also love to know what books i would need to study to teach me everything on what I have mentioned>
!OK Thorough explanation is this" Learn how to create from scratch in vb.net 2008 Express Edition-->
*Visual Display Screen in WinForm App*
*GDI+ 7-Segment LED Custom control App*
*Analogue Gauge Design App,just like the real thing(Avionics instruments ) and interface that with the real instrument?
*Virtual Instrumentation like FruityLoops Studio program and ect
Now what I'm getting at is this--->design my own custom Application in 2D or 3D eg RFP game for flight Sim 2004-created by Vmax inc.Florida"APU panel that.(cockpit panel of analogue gauges specific to my real instruments.......!Please help!