I want to teach avr in students?

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Advanced Member level 1
Jun 5, 2001
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I want to tewach avr in student who know nothing about mcus..

Can you help me find lessons and a sample kit?



xxtigerxx said:
I want to tewach avr in student who know nothing about mcus..

Can you help me find lessons and a sample kit?


If you are new to microcontrollers (uC), you can choose any uC for your class. Why did you decide to choose AVR over other uC families? I'm not implying that you choice might be bad; I'm just curious about the systems engineering perspective.

Hi, guys
Programming and customizing ATMEL AVR microcontrollers is very good to do this job, it is found here in this forum.
Also AVRstdio4.2 is good simulator, assembler, and many more and it is free on: Atmel.com

Thx guys,

but do you have any more specific info.

like a pcb or a program for programming the mcu

hi dears
i think avr by basic will be so easy for beginners
for the program use bascom demo
for the programmer use pony prog(serial or parallel)
or spi programmer( parralel only but easier)
all are available online

customizing AVR micros is a good choice. Additionally also check a book on C for micros from smileys micro.

For a brief introduction of AVR internal modules, try the follow URL :

Actually, a fantastic animation on AVR internal modules, shows how to operate :
But, now, I can't enter the previous site also. ...

and a good steps of assembly course would be :

An easy C programming with WinAVR GCC based compiler would be :

You should read the follows for more information on GNU tools for AVR :


xxtigerxx said:
Can you help me find lessons
Here's some good AVR lessons:

Cornell University
ECE 476
Designing with Microcontrollers

For sample kit use Atmel AVR STK 500, it's cheap, feature rich and and they give discounts on STK500 for univeristy courses etc.

sci-3d said:
Personal idea, I think that 8051 is simpler than AVR.
I tried to bring up the idea about the alternatives too, but the original author doesn't respond to it. In the world of professional engineering this usually means that there is a hidden agenda. :|

hello kender,

i thought that the best way to start is with atmel
and with proteus isis which is a simulation tool
and after the student will go to make prototype.

and i think the best mcu is Atmega8 for start.

THX all for your help...

I want to learn it too.but my programable theory is poor.who could tell how I learn this?thanks

xxtigerxx said:
I want to tewach avr in student who know nothing about mcus..

Can you help me find lessons and a sample kit?


**broken link removed**

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