i want to measure distance with infrared diodes Help me ?

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Advanced Member level 4
Oct 25, 2006
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ir distance measurement

i want to measure distance with infrared diodes Help me ? please help ... i need it!

infrared distance measurement

there is ready to use sensor from Sharp http://info.hobbyengineering.com/specs/SHARP-GP2D02.pdf

but .... intenity of reflected infrared radiation and detected by diode will be dependent on :
a. environemtn radiation noise
b. temperature
c. reflected object size
Said is true if you are trying to make reflected level based distance measurements .

[a] and can somehow be compensated (up to some extend). [c] is dependent on your requirements.

Things go much more complicated if you would like to make optical time of flight based measurement.

infrared distance meter

thanx for the repley

what u recommand for distance measurment?? i need it up to 10meters ,Not more!


infrared distance measuring

you can use a sonar, some of them do have range 4cm-10m. Or you can use some laser technologies

ir distance meter

Yes sonar is quite OK , but it depends on size of thing being measured. for level metring up to 10 meters , special ultrasound sensors are used with focused beam as narrow as 7-8 degrees . Costs around 70-120 usd per piece (in small qty). Yet you can try to experiment with 2 buks us sensor by focusing its beam using conical acoustic horn. See murata or prowave sites for relevant information.
in addition you can measure 10 meters by laaser triangulation. Search forum here for links .

Also i have seen on one of the robotics site ready to use laser sensor (probably time of flight based) but for 2K usd price.

infrared distance measure

great thanx........

can u give links On sonar .....

measure length using infrared

good place is
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ir distance measure

Kamal Daniel said:
good place is

the link is not working ????

measure distance infrared

Her is the correct link
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infrared measure distance


see these links for schematics and source code . Dont try to change opamps to something like lm358. Take care of layout to prevent noise.

you can add features to this schemtic by modifying software such us
- time variable gain (use max digital pot on schematics for that). As far as i know , source code does not support TVG for the moment. Or supporting software is not
publicly available
- chirp signal based demodulation (could need to use different wideband sensors or experiment with those)
- various methods published in internet and available in this forum

See these articles as well:
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    Points: 2
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measuring distance with infrared

any other help?

distance measurement infrared

you need one emiter pwm driven

and TWO sampled recievers to get this to work effectivly

distance meter ir

can anyone Upload a practical project?

measuring distance with ir

Hello segmex,here is link to project:

this website: https://www.robot-electronics.co.uk is ok, BUT prices are high! this is very expensive website! And i dont recommend you to buy already built Ultrasonic modules, cheapest there with only one sensor is 20$...

but the link of the project which i showed you has a project of building this module from scratch, and connecting it to PIC, and showing distance on LEDs.

and all the elements which u will need for that project you can buy here:

a PAIR of such sensors there costs - $3.90

so, build it from scratch, understand it, and remake as you want. and spend less than 20$, or even much more less if you already have some PIC!!

have fun

Added after 10 minutes:

by the way, the international delivery cost on futurlec.com for orders near 25$ is only 5$!! and there is NO minimum order. so i think that ur project will cost maybe less than 14-13$

use ir to measure distances

u can use a ultrasonic sensor to dtect distance i think it will be easier also

measure distance with ir

rikie_rizza said:
Back to IR...
Its easy... blink the light source, filter the receiver with the same frequency, measure the intensity, calibrate, and you're done!

If you've done that, could you post your calibration procedure and the calibration cuve (intensity vs. distance) that you have obtained?


infrared measuring distance

I use high intensity IR led and blink the LED at 1KHz. The sensor that I use is a IR sensitive photocell and the output is volt. The correlation between distance and voltage is merely linear. Gather all the data by experiment, adjust the signal gain, calculate using just least square, and use microcontroller to convert the signal (using ADC) and calculate the result using the least square correlation.

infrared diodes


If you know the shape, orientation and reflective properties of the obstacle, then yes - your method with measuring measuring the range by intensity of the reflected IR works. However, if one of the reflector's parameters is unknown, it's possible only to detect the presence of the obstacle.

It's still possible to do the parallax distance measurement with IR, though.

using ir to measure distance

Thanks kender the files that u uploaded really helped me thanks .i pressed HELPED.

any other projects with AvR?

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