I want to diy a pic ICD2

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Newbie level 2
Oct 21, 2007
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icd2 diy

and I can make PCB by handwork only,
can you make some suggestions?

Added after 26 minutes:

there no one help me?

blueroomelectronics said:
Lot's of answers here, just look for ICD2 in these forums.
Thanks,I will have a try.

Here it is. I forget where I gopt it but I built it and it works great. It also made the most sense to me, since it uses very efficiently the IO pins on the PIC, unlike other versions that use the PIC16F877.

In mine I simply used linear regulators for all voltages.
One thing I did and I recommend you do the same is use a separate 78L05 regulator just for the Vdd (power to the PIC being programmed). In case you have a short on the board the transistor will be protected and the ICD2 will not reset, but will behave intelligently and tell you that things did not work.

Unfortunately I no longer have the schematic/ PCB in EAGLE format, since my HDD crashed not long ago and I lost everything. I had this file saved on my machine at work.

When you build it, program the PIC with the .hex file provided. Once you connect to it, it will download a new operating system.

One complaint I heard from a colleague who built it is that it did not work well with USB/serial adapters. I use mine on my desktop, so I did not care about that.

P.S. The board tells me that the file is already posted, so I must have gotten it here:

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