I want Learn RTOS. Please Help to start.

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Feb 11, 2012
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Mumbai. india
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I want to learn RTOS. I googled allot the information is widely available on the internet, but then I am not understanding it. i undurstand the language but the terms start rooling in my mind and i got sleep. I studied the freeRTOS tutorial also download the eclips and java runtime envirenment also but I don't understand how to start.

i worked on AVR 8 bit (ATMEGA) controllers also on PIC16F & 18F family.
What I am not understanding is from where to start studying.
Do I need to read any book related the OS or anything else.

Please Help.

I had just started using FreeRTOS, and after number of unsuccessful attempts, it started working now.
I am using Windows Based Example to run FreeRTOS Example, i tried the Windows Based Application and that doesn't works in Eclipse, asked question on Edaboard, then got reply from Richard Barry (Hope you know, who is he).
He suggest me to use Visual Studio based example and i did exactly the same thing.
And then modified there simple demo program, which is not simple for me to create two task, then proceeds further with increasing level of complexity.
Once you learn, then you can you use this with any Micro-controller of your choice.

thanks for the so what i have to do? which book i should to read ?
please guide me....

i am also trying for the same. need guidance to start.
@xpress_embedo thanks for the material.


I just started my journey towards real time operating system, now i am reading the real time operating concepts for embedded systems by Qing Li and carolyn yao.

This book is good for RTOS concepts and they are easily understandable, but full of theory. And i'm following the FREE RTOS document.

I have a good knowledge on firmware development and worked on ST and infineon controller, please can any one guide me to learn the RTOS in efficient way

Can any one forward good books or links for me.

Thanks & Regards,

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